Basic First Aid and Home Safety Step 1 of 6 16% 1390 South Potomac St. Unit 116, Aurora, CO 80012(720) 328-2995 (720) 485-3981 (720) 328-1146Module: Basic First Aid and Home SafetyDate: MM slash DD slash YYYY Employee Name: Circle the best choice, or fill in your answer.1. The first thing you should do in an emergency situation is move the person to a safe location. True False 2. Confusion is a symptom of shock. True False 3. If you suspect someone is having a heart attack you should perform rescue breathing. True False 4. To control bleeding you should apply direct pressure on the wound. True False 5. Bruised, swollen, tender or a rigid abdomen can be signs of internal bleeding True False 6. First aid for bleeding is intended to: A. Stop the bleeding. B. Prevent infection. C. Prevent shock. D. All of the above. 7. Which the following first aid is recommend for sprains? A. Cold packs. B. Increased movement C. Elevating legs and f eet above the heart. 8. Which of the following are signs of a stroke? A. Dizziness. B. Ringing in the ears. C. Difficulty speaking. D. All of the above. 9. Anyone displaying signs and symptoms of a stroke should seek immediate attention.10. If I ever have any doubt about the medical condition of a client, I should Emergency Management Post Plan Test Name: Date MM slash DD slash YYYY 1. An Emergency is any situation that disrupts or alters the normal day to day business. True False 2. Who will make the decision to implement the plan? a. The Administrator b. The board of Directors c. The Administrator or designee 3. Th Agency is required to provide care regardless of the situation? True False 4. The policies relating to Emergency Management I located at a. Administrative Policies b. Patient Care Policie0Disaster Manual 5. When are the Employees orientated to the plan? a. When the disaster occurs b. on hire c. Within 90 days 6. How often is the plan reviewed and updated? a. Yearly b. Every 6 months c. Yearly and when the plan is implemented 7. On admission the client is assigned an emergency classification. 8. What are the classifications? a. 1-3 b. 1 thru 1V c. A-D 9. Clients with special needs will be registered with local shelters True False 10. During an emergency ________________________ is the primary concern? a. Maintaining phone contact b. Securing the office c. Staff Safety 11. How Should an employee prepare for an emergency? a. Know the agency's plan b. Have the automobile equipped c. Establish a family plan d. All the above HIPAA TestEmployee Name: Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY 1. Wha t does the a cronym HIPAA stand f or? a. Health Information Privacy Portability Act b. Health Information Protection and Access Health c. Insurance Portability Accountability Act d. Health Insurance Portability Accommodation Act 2. Who is responsible for understanding and following HIPAA rules? a. Anyone who has contact with a patient or reads patient files b. I a m c. All healthcare workers, providers and related staff d. All individuals who provide treatment or diagnostic services, the payer of those individuals and the individual patients e. Anyone who has contact with a patient's personal health information 3. What does "PHI" stand for? a. Personal health information b. Personal history c. Protection of healthcare information d. Protected health information e. Patient history information 4. What information is included in PHI? a. All individual identifiable health information transmitted or maintained in any medium b. Name, address, sex, medical history and background c. Personal identifiers d. Social security number, age, date of birth e. Medical record, bills and payments 5. What information can be disclosed without specific consent of the patient? a. Nothing b. Specific information required for treatment, payment or legal issues c. Information without personal identifiers d. Information for teaching e. Treatment plans 6. Can service be provided prior to obtaining patient's signature on consent form? a . Yes b. No c. In isolated incidents d. With consent e. When patient is a minor 7. Out of 18 possible personal identifiers, how many must be removed when de-identifying PHI? a. All that personally identify the patient b. 16 c. All of them d. Name, address, phone, family members e. All except patient signature page 8. If any business associate has made an oversight regarding HIPAA guidelines who should be notified within a timely manner? a. State medical board b. Facility Director c. Pa tient d. HIPAA Administrator e. Person who made the error 9. In the event of a serious threat to health and safety, can PHI be disclosed without prior consent? a. Only to supervisor or ethics/lawyer at the hospital b. No c. Yes, if a pproved by the treating MDt d. Yes e. Selectively, if indicated in the consent to treatment form 10. What format should reports prepared at home be in? a . Password protected b. They shouldn't be c. Encrypted format d. PHI removed e. De-identified format ELDER ABUSE AND NEGLECT: TESTName: Date MM slash DD slash YYYY (Need 8 correct answers to receive certificate) Circle the right answers—some questions have more than one correct answer. 1. If you know of, or suspect, abuse or neglect of an elderly person, you should first: a. Confront the staff member or family member that you suspect of doing the abuse. b. Call the state agency that accepts abuse reports. c. Report it to your supervisor. 2. Some causes of abuse and neglect are: a. Caregiver stress. b. Emotional or mental illness. c. Alcohol or drug use. 3. Threatening an elderly person with punishment for not doing what you tell them to is: a. Acceptable if done with a soft tone of voice. b. Verbal abuse, and never acceptable. c. Useful in disciplining an older person. 4. Exploitation is a form of abuse that involves: a. Physical harm. b. Emotional harm. c. Misuse or theft of money, property, or other financial assets. 5. Some good ways to help prevent abuse are: a. Education, counseling, and support groups . b. Listening, teaching caregiving skills, and communicating c. None of the above 6. Symptoms of possible abuse include the following: a. Dementia b. Becoming unusually quiet or withdrawn c. Bruises or burns 7. Symptoms of possible neglect include the following: a. Necessary medical visits not scheduled or kept b. Too many outside activities c. Lack of basic hygiene items and adequate clothing 8. Write the phone number of the state agency that accepts abuse and neglect reports: 9. roper use of bedrails or other restraints is considered: a. physical abuse b. Rights violation c. Emotional abuse 10. Abuse and neglect will not occur if we rem ember that everyone has the right to be treated with Behavior Management TestName Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct answer, or circle the correct answer.1. Behaviors are forms of 2. Some common causes of behavior problems are:Choose the correct answer(s). a. Fatigue b. Medications c. Established behavior patterns d. Conflicts e. Frustration f. Dementia/Alzheimer's g. All of the above 3. Man times, dysfunctional behavior increases at the end of the day. True False 4. It is best to ignore agitation behaviors. True False 5. It is wise to restrain client during an outburst. True False 6. Sameness and routine help to minimize stress in dementia clients. True False 7. A client who paces incessantly m ay burn off too m any calories, thereby requiring additional caloric intake to maintain good health. True False 8. A simplified approach to managing agitation behaviors is to modify the 9. Children mirror their parent's behavior. True False 10. Clients with Alzheimer's benefit from large group interaction. True False INFECTION CONTROL GUIDELINES: STANDARD PRECAUTIONS & ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS: TESTName: Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY 1. If a client has the flu, you should use the following Additional Precautions: a. No Additional Precautions are necessary. b. Wear a mask, gown, gloves, and goggles whenever you are in the client's room. c. Wear a mask when working close to the client. d. Isolate the client from all contact with others 2. You should use Standard Precautions when: a. A client appears to be sick. b. Doing all client care. c. You are sick. d. You know the client has AIDS or hepatitis. 3. When disposing of a needle or other sharp object, always: a. Place it carefully in a biohazard puncture-proof container without touching the sharp end. b. Recap it very carefully. c. Leave it alone and tell your supervisor. 4. When changing a bed or handling linens, the correct Standard Precautions procedure is to: a. Shake out the linens to remove any objects or dirt b. Place the used linens on the floor or a table. c. Wash linens soiled with body fluids separately from other laundry. d. Roll the dirty linens up and hold them away from you until they can be placed in a laundry bag. 5. If a client has an infected wound, use the following Additional Precautions: a. Standard Precautions are good enough. b. Wear a gown, gloves, mask, and goggles while in the client's room. c. The client should not go to the dining room until the wound is healed. d. Put gloves on before entering the client's room and remove them right before leaving. 6. Clients may share walkers, wheelchairs, and other equipment without worrying about cleaning it between clients. Yes No 7. Write the our types of disease transmission: 8. List the four basic rules of Standard Precautions:9. Standard Precautions only protect against airborne diseases. For bloodborne, contact, and droplet transmission, Additional Precautions must be used True False 10. Airborne germs, like tuberculosis, can travel long distances through the air. True False