Compliant and grievance You have the right to voice grievances or to complain about the treatment or care that is or fails to be given to you or lack of respect by anyone furnishing services to you. You also may compliant about the Agency’s practices regarding advance directive and privacy. There will be no reprisal or discrimination because of your complaint. Please use following procedure You may report problems to the staff assigned to your case during visits to your home or at the office during regular working 720-328-2995 If the problem lies with the staff assigned to your case or if the staff person does not resolve the problem within 5 working days, you may speak to the supervisor Leela Timsina at the office phone number 720-328-2995. The supervisor will be investigating the problem with you and the involved staff, and, if necessary take appropriate corrective action within 10 working days of your complaint. The supervisor will inform you within 5 working day of the outcome of the investigation. If you continue to be dissatisfied, you may speak to Executive Director Durga Tamang at 720-379-7553 The State of Colorado operates a toll free compliant hotline 303-692-2800 which is available 24 hours per day. Complaints made to this number can be kept anonymous. The investigation and resolution of your compliant will be brought to the attention of the Agency’s Performance improvement program and governing body. You will be notified by the agency executive director of the outcomes of the investigation and the final resolution within 15 working daysClient Signature/DateStaff Member/Date/Title