Employment Application
Applicant Information
Please list three professional references.
Previous Employment
Disclaimer and Signature
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my Knowledge.
If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my
application or interview may result in my release.
TITLE: Health Maintenance Attendant
JOB SUMMARY: Provide assistance to Agency clients who require help with skilled
personal care and activities of daily living.
- Be able to read, write, and understand English.
- Have ability to understand and follow written and verbal instructions.
- Have basic knowledge of propel food handling and appliances/equipment use found if client's
- Have knowledge of basic principles of cleanliness and safety.
- Demonstrate capacity for high level of tolerance to occasional, stressful situation.
- Demonstrate genuine interest in care-giver role through friendly, caring attitude
- Demonstrate a high degree of integrity and dependability in commitment to and in completion
of work assignments.
- Must be at least 18 yrs. of age.
- Completion of at least twenty (20) hours training, or have passed a skills validation test, in
the provision of unskilled personal care.
- Completion of a skills validation of aft Skills assigned to meet the consumers' needs.
- Maintain current Colorado driver‘s license, in goo4 standing: and necessary auto insurance
as required by the state.
RESPONSIBILITIES: As a Attendant, it is necessary that you fulfil the following
responsibilities to the best of your ability, in accordance with Agency policy and Procedure, and as
de1ei‘irined by your Agency Assignment.
1.Function within your knowledge and experience, practicing safely and competently within HMA training and experience.
2.Demonstrate appropriate interpersonal communication with client, caregiver and employees
- Perform And demonstrate competency with personal care assignments and tasks for which you have had
training and experience and as assigned by the RN Supervisor.
- Basic First Aide
- Infection control measures
- Proper body mechanics
- Environmental cleanliness and safety
- Meal preparation
- Proper care and use of appliances/equipment
- Follow established assignment
- Accurate documentation of Services rendered
3. To notify your Services consultant or Director of changes in your client’s condition.
4. Comply with applicable regulations; including but not limited to proving accurate
documentation of services provided to client and client activity, protect the client’s health
care information and report potential fraud and abuse to the compliance officer.
5.Consistently use proper body mechanics and use proper infection control techniques to maintain environmental safety for you and your client(s)
6. To remain familiar with and respect the Agency Patients Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.
7. To inform Agency of your availability and desire for- work assignments and honour your
commitment to work assignments that you accept.
8. To participate with staff meetings/in services as assigned.
9. To remain familiar with the Agency organizational structure and channels of communication
10. To comply with agency employee policies and procedures, including submitting timesheets according to assigned time lines.
11. To consistently function As a member of the care and services team and Agency employee in a
positive manner.
12. To seek supervisory guidance whenever you have a question as to a specific task or
13. Participate in continuing educational programs, as requested by the Agency.
14. To use your skills and individually to communicate to management areas where
operations/patient care can be improved.
15. To perform other duties as assigned in accordance with your position and qualifications.
16. You must make the Agency aware of your allergy or‘ special needs.
17. Ensure client's safety and security by supervising the home environment.
18. All employees are expected to conduct themselves as a representative of this Agency . This
means behaviour which may adversely impact company property, reputation, services or interferes with
work will not be tolerated.
By signing below, I agree I meet the above qualifications: and am wiling/able i ugly to perform the
responsibilities as listed in the Stealth Maintenance Attendant position description and analysis.
It is the responsibility of all members of the governing body, management and employees of the
Agency to comply with federal, state and local laws, professional standards and the polices/
regulations of relevant federally funded health care programs in order that care provided to its
clients and business interactions
reflect integrity and ethical conduct.
Employees shall not undertake any of the following fraudulent activities:
1. bill for services, which were not provided;
2. submit fraudulent claims to government or third-party payors including:
a. claims for services that were not provided;
b. claims billing for a service that varies from the service actually delivered;
c. claims for services that do not adhere with program/contract requirements;
d. make false representations to obtain a program's benefits or to remain eligible for a
program's benefit; and,
e. make false representation to obtain payment for any service;
3. insert inaccurate information on medical claims; and/or,
4. compensate another individual for referring clients.
Concerns regarding fraud should be directed to the Compliance Officer/Designee.
Abuse, involves practices that are not consistent with sound service delivery and economic
practices. Such practices could, directly of indirectly, result in unnecessary program costs or in
payment for services, which do not meet the standards of care or which are not medically necessary.
Employees shall avoid all actual or perceived misconduct and shall report any noted non-compliances
or risk potential disciplinary action, in accordance with the Agency's Disciplinary Action Policy
for failure to report. Concerns regarding abuse should be directed to the Compliance
Reporting Fraud and/or Abuse
Fraud and Abuse laws apply to Medicare and Medicaid programs, Indian Health programs, maternal and
health care programs and Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (
Allegations of Medicare or Medicaid fraud or abuse shall be reported to: Toll Free: 1-866-666-7590
Ext. 1320 or 877-247-5566 and/or
The Agency is committed to following federal and state anti-kickback laws and regulations and thus
prohibits members of its governing body, management and employees from accepting money or anything
of value to:
1. refer Agency clients to other service providers; and/or,
2. to influence decisions pertinent to Agency operations.
The Agency shall consider unacceptable conduct to include, but not be limited to the following
actions: falsifying personal education and/or experience information during the Job Application
1. falsifying personal education and/or experience information during the job application process;
2. falsifying job and character references during the Job Application Process;
3. having a previous conviction or receiving a conviction for crimes committed;
4. falsifying data on clients' charts and other Agency records; falsifying information on billings
for client services;
5. falsifying information on billing for client services.;
6. using codes which are in violation of federal rules and/or regulations;
7. destroying or altering Agency and client records without authorization;
8. exhibiting any behaviour that reflects poorly on the Agency;
9. using, possessing and/or being under the influence of alcohol and illegal substances while on
the job;
10. being discourteous to clients, co-workers, health care professionals and members of the
11.possessing dangerous weapons or guns while on the job;
12. doing malicious damage to the Agency's or clients' property;
13. stealing from the Agency or clients;
14. conducting actions/activities, which are dishonest in any way;
15. disclosing clients' names, addresses, phone numbers and other personal information to non-Agency employees, without the clients' permission;
16. disclosing confidential information without authorization or legal direction to do so;
17. accepting inappropriate gifts or money from clients;
18. accepting appropriated gifts from clients without approval from the Compliance Officer/Designee;
19. engaging in financial transactions with the client other than those required for the
performance of duties such as exchange of currency for purchasing items for clients;
20. bringing pets, children or any other unauthorized persons to clients' homes while performing
job duties; and,
21. being absent without permission or without advising Supervisor, when able to do so.
The Agency is committed to following and enforcing its Conflict of Interest Policy. All members of
its governing body, management and employees should avoid potential or perceived conflicts of
interest, which could
develop when they:
1. have personal interests that compete with their employment with this Agency;
2. have positions of authority in this Agency, which conflict with their interests in another
agency/organization; and/or,
have conflicting responsibilities.
To ensure that the Agency's business relationships are void of inappropriate influences, members of
the governing body, management and employees shall be required to disclose all possible conflicts
of interest by completing and signing a Conflict of Interest statement.
The Agency is committed to the appropriate protection of confidential information and enforces its
Confidentiality and Privacy of Information Policy. A number of staff have access to various forms
of sensitive, confidential, and medical information, which is maintained to serve clients, health
care providers, the Agency and third-party payors, in accordance with legal, accrediting and
regulatory requirements. Agency policy prohibits the unauthorized seeking, disclosing or giving of
such information, including confidential inflammation contained in clients' records, except on a
need-to-know basis, to consulting physicians, health care professionals and employees who may be
providing client service and to third party payors to facilitate reimbursement. The operations,
activities, business affairs and finances of the Agency shall also be kept confidential and shall
only be discussed or made available to authorized persons.
The Agency is committed to upholding the highest business ethics and integrity. Members of the
governing body, management and employees are required to conduct themselves in a professional
manner at all times.
—-They shall not:
1.falsely represent the Agency;
2. defraud individuals of money, property or candid services;
3. make false or misleading comments about the Agency's clients, employees, services, business
contacts, competitors or competitor's services;
4. participate in any activity intendent to, inappropriately, obtain Agency services provide services to the
Agency though payment, intimidation, or enticement;
5. engage in any corrupt business practice either directly or indirectly; or,
+. provide compensation to another person for unlawful oi“ improper purposes.
Staff shall be held responsible for reporting any violations of laws, regulations or Agency
policies, procedures and Standards of Conduct. Any violation of the aforementioned, which an
employee either knows about or thinks he/she knows about another person/organization, associated
with the Agency, has committed, is committing or may commit must be relayed to the Compliance
Officer/Designee immediately. That employee
shall be assured his/her anonymity will be protected.
The Compliance Officer/Designee shall investigate and document all allegations of misconduct or
immediately by conducting an interview(s), reviewing relative documentation and evaluating !he
facts and
circumstances. Factors to be considered during an investigation include, but are not limited to:
1. the degree to which behaviour varied from the Standards of Conduct;
2. the seriousness of the behaviour,
3. the employee's work history; and,
4. other data and information deemed to be relevant.
The Agency is committed to treating all persons equally without bias or prejudice, in part, through
the enforcement of its policies on human rights, cultural diversity, equal opportunity and sexual
harassment. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, national or ethnic
origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or military service. Members of the governing body,
management and employees are required to
promote and maintain a productive work environment that is free from harassment, discrimination
and/or disruptive activity., No form of harassment or discrimination will be tolerated, Any or
clients who experience harassment or discrimination on the basis of the aforementioned shall inform
the Compliance Officer/Designee immediately.
The Agency prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes a complaint of harassing or
The Agency is committed to disclosure of noncompliance concerns and for bids any action being taken
against a member of the governing body, management or employees for making a report. Because
employees have a responsibility to report actual or potential wrongdoings, the Agency shall not
permit any consequential retaliative, revengeful or harassing actions/activities to be taken
against the reporter. Anyone who is involved in retaliation measures shall be subject to
disciplinary action, in accordance with the Agency’s Disciplinary Action Policy and/or as dictated
by law. Should staff members report their own inappropriate or inadequate actions/activities, they
shall still be subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with the Agency's Disciplinary Action
Policy and/or in accordance with the law.
The Agency is committed to complying with state and federal antitrust (monopolies) laws and
regulations. The Agency shall not establish charges in collusion with competitors and shall not
share confidential information with competitors. Additionally, staff shall not share confidential
information with competing service providers, such as salaries or charges for services rendered.
The Agency shall not take anticompetitive measures to reduce its competition ‹i rout first
obtaining legaI
counsel. Communication with competitors about matters that could be interpreted as an attempt to
competition or an attempt to fix prices, shall take place only after consultation with legal
The Agency does not allow members of the governing body, management and employees to offer any
financial inducement, payoff, gift, bribe or kickback or to induce, influence or reward favourable
decisions of any government personnel/representative, client, contractor, OF person who is in a
position of being able to benefit the Agency/its staff. All activities must be carried out without
such solicitation and other improper inducements. Staff are prohibited from accepting, offering or
soliciting anything of value from anyone doing business with the Agency including clients,
physicians, contractors or third-party payors. Small gifts and gratuities might be acceptable but
only if the Supervisor gives authorization and if the acceptance meets the conditions delineated in
the Agency's Acceptance of Gifts Policy
Employees shall notify the Agency's Compliance Officer/Designee, immediately, if anyone:
1. offers an inducement to the employee;
2. offers anything of value because of the employee's employment with the Agency; or,
3. has insinuated, solicited or requested compensation for referrals of business.
Employees should not assume that any item or any part of their work/work-related areas is private
and off limits to management. Any personal possessions or materials, which are private and/or
confidential, should not be brought to the job site.
Agency Supervisors have been authorized to conduct unannounced and/or impromptu searches of the
Agency office, property and equipment to:
1. promote a safe working environment for staff;
2. help enforce the Agency's Drug and Alcohol Policy;
3. help create an efficient, dependable and constructive staff pool to service its clients; and,
4. assist in the effective operation of the Compliance Program.
In addition, Supervisors have been authorized to monitor and access computers, notebooks and other
Agency-issued electronic devices to ensure that reasonable and responsible usage of such equipment,
email and the Internet is being applied.
The Agency is committed to charging, billing, aocumenting and submitting claims for reimbursement
for services in the manner required by applicable laws, rules and regulations. All staff should
know and carefully follow the applicable rules for submission of bills and claims for reimbursement
on behalf of the Agency. Staff shall:
1. not possess, copy and/or distribute any Agency documentation, which they are not required to
have “in-hand" for the performance of their duties;
2. issue financial reports only to individuals holding “need-to-know" positions and shall do so
using protected distribution and retrieval methods;
3. create only those documents required by the Agency and/or the law necessary for the conduction
of business;
4. ensure that claims to any payor, including, Medicaid, third-party payors, or clients correctly
reflect the
equipment, supplies or services actually received;
5. record all equipment, supplies and/or services provided to clients;
6. record all communications and billing information with third parties, including health care
7. accurately and definitively document accounting records, expense ac.‘ ,.ts, time sheets and
other- documents; and,
8. support all cost reports with substantiated documentation.
Any suspicions or knowledge of incorrect, misleading or false records of claims shall be reported
to the Compliance Officer/Designee immediately.
The Agency shall comply with federal and state laws ano regulations governing credit balance
reporting and shall refund all overpayments in a timely manner.
The Agency is committed to cooperating with government investigators, as required by law. If an
receives a subpoena, search warrant or other similar document, he/she shall immediately contact the
Compliance Officer/Designee, Manager or Supervisor, before taking any action. The Compliance
Officer/Designee, Manager and/or Supervisor are responsible for authorizing the release of, or the
copying of, documents. If a government investigator, agent, or auditor comes to the Agency, the
Compliance Officer/Designee, Manager or Supervisor should be contacted before an employee discusses
any matters with such investigator, agent or auditor.
As a deterrent against the submission of fraudulent claims to the federal Government for programs
such as
Medicaid and to provide incentive to report such fraudulent claims, the Agency shall advise its
—about the federal "False Clalms Act", which states that:
“Any person who knowingly.’
1. presents, or causes to be presented, to an officer or employee of the United States Government
or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States a false or fraudulent claim for payment or
2. makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, a false record or statement to get a false or
fraudulent claim paid or approved by the Government,
3. conspires to defraud the Government by getting a false or fraudulent claim paid or approved by
4. makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, a false record or statement to conceal, avoid, or
an obligation to pay or transmit money or property to the Government; or,
5. submit, or cause another person or entity to submit, false claims for payment of government
funds are liable for three times the government's damages plus civil penalties of 85,500 to
$11, 000 per false claim.”
The terms "knowing" and "knowingly" mean that a person, with respect to information:
1. has actual knowledge of the information;
2. acts in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity the information; or,.
3. acts in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information, and no proof of specific
intent to defraud is required.”
"The False Claims Act contains “qui tam"" or whistle-blower, provisions. “Qui tam” is a unique
mechanism in the law that allows citizens with evidence of fraud against government contracts and
programs to sue, on behalf of ’he government, in order to recover the stolen funds. In compensation
for the risk and effort of filing a “qui tarn" case, the citizen whistle-blower or "relator" may be
awarded a portion of the funds recovered, typically between 15 and 25 percent.”
The Agency shall provide its staff with the necessary assets and equipment to perform their duties
including office equipment such as photocopier, fax machine, computer/notebook and other electronic
hardware such as cell phones and iPods, software, hardcopy/electronic record keeping supplies,
office supplies and items for personal care services such as blood pressure monitoring tools,
transfer belts, incontinence supplies, disposable gloves, masks etc.
Employees shall be prudent and efficient in their usage of Agency equipment, products and supplies.
Agency property shall not be used for personal purposes or be removed from the Agency or from
clients' homes without prior approval from the Supervisor.
The Agency is committed to providing training about compliance policies and procedures, applicable
laws, rules and regulations. In addition, Managers and Supervisors shall advise employees that:
1. compliance with these policies and procedures is a condition of employment; and,
2. violation of policies and procedures could result in accordance with the Agency's Disciplinary
Action Policy, up to and including termination of employment
Employees shall be given information on the Agency's Compliance Program during the Orientation
process and shall receive regular compliance reviews and/or education at least annually.
Subsequent training shall also be provided as new policies and procedures are developed and
implemented. Staff are encouraged to
Seek clarification and/or information from the Compliance Officer/Designee or Supervisor at any
time. The
Compliance Officer shall be proactive in presenting new or revised compliance information to staff
as soon as such information is received.
Employee participation in compliance training shall be documented and shall include attendance and
materials distributed at training. Attendance and participation in training programs shall be a
condition of continued employment. Failure to comply with the training requirements may result in
disciplinary action, in accordance with the Agency's Disciplinary Action Policy.
1. The Agency shall adhere to the standards and certifications for Home Care Services, which are:
a. the CDPHE; and, b. the state.
2. The Agency shall strive to hire Care Aides who can verify they meet CDPHE and/or State
certification during the job application process.
3. The Agency shall maintain its training, competency, qualification, evaluation and related
policies to
ensure that competency standards are met and revised, as indicated.
4. Care Aide training shall include both theoretical and practical training and assessment to
ensure these standards are being met. At a minimum, Care Aides shall receive 75 hours of training
with at least 16 hours dedicated to classroom training prior to practical training and 16 hours of
supervised practical training.
5. The practical portion of the training shall be under the general supervision of a Registered
Nurse who possesses a minimum of 2 years nursing experience or at least 1 year of experience in the
provision of home care. Other individuals may be used to provide instruction under the supervision
of a qualified Registered Nurse.
6. The Agency shall ensure at* registered Nurse conducts performance views on each Care Aide at
least every 12 months. These appraisals may be conducted while the care, ..be is providing care to a
7. The competency evaluations shall be documented, and the records shall be retained in the
individual Care Aide's personnel file.
Compliance with the Standards of Conduct shall be an element in job performance assessments of all
employees. Promoting adherence to the Standards of Conduct shall also be an element in evaluating
the performances of managerial and supervisory staff. Their failure to adequately instruct
subordinates or to detect violations of the compliance policies and applicable legal requirements
may result in disciplinary action,
in accordance with the Agency's Disciplinary Action Policy, if their reasonable attentiveness could
have alerted
them to such violations.
All Agency staff shall:
1. perform their duties in a manner consistent with the Agency's policies; and,
2. report violations of local, state or federal laws, rules or regulations to the Compliance
Officer or Supervisor, as required by law.
If an employee fails to report violations and is aware that not reporting violates a legal
obligation, then that person could be subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with the
Agency's Disciplinary Action Policy and/or could be terminated from employment. The Agency may also
take disciplinary action if its investigation determines that a misconduct or wrongdoing has taken
place, depending on the severity of the misdemeanour.
Disciplinary actions shall be in accordance with the Agency's Disciplinary Action Policy, which
could consist of
4 stages:
1. verbal warning;
2. written warning;
3. work suspension; and,
4. termination of employment.
All Violations of the Standards of Conduct, compliance policies and federal, state and applicable
local laws and regulations may be disciplined in a manner deemed appropriate by Manager and/or
Supervisor in an attempt to prevent similar misdemeanours from taking place in the future.
Disciplinary actions shall be applied consistently and fairly and shall not be influenced by the
individual's position in the Agency. i.e. Employees and management personnel shall all be held
accountable to the same extent and to the same degree.
The Compliance Officer/Designee shall not have any authority or responsibility for disciplinary
measures. He/she will be responsible for investigating, evaluating and making recommendations
consistent with the Agency's policies and procedures to the Supervisor and/or Manager. Any
disciplinary action shall be determined and enforced by the Supervisor, Manager and/or governing
body, in accordance with the Agency's Disciplinary Action Policy.
The Agency shall constantly take measures to ensure that all its activities and actions, and those
of its employees, comply with applicable laws and ethical standards. The purpose of these
Standards of Conduct is a provide direction to employees to enable them to meet their
responsibilities. Employees are expected to comply with all applicable laws, even if they are not
dealt with in these Standards of Conduct.
All Agency staff shall be given a copy of the Agency's Standards of Conduct to read and sign
attesting to the fact that they are responsible for knowing and adhering to these Standards of
Conduct. The signed document shall be placed in their personnel file and a copy shall be issued to
the staff member. In addition, each time new or revised Standards of Conduct are issued, employees
shall be asked to sign a statement certifying that they have received, read, and understood the
Standards of Conduct.
I have read these Standards of Conduct and have received a copy of them. I agree to comply with
them and should I learn that there has been a violation of these standards, I shall contact the
Compliance Officer/Designee, Manager and/or Supervisor immediately.
Orientation Instruction Page Sign Off for All Employee
Liberty Home Care uses a unique method to orient its new employees so that we are assured that
every employee receives ALL the information needed on your hiring date.
We ask that you have in front of you the complete hiring packet and the job description from your
office manager.
As you go through, each document will be reviewed. You should have the document being reviewed in
front of you and you should read through it as we proceed. As we finish each document you will sign
and date each document and put it aside in the order we go though.
Use care on the document marked “Reference Request”. We require you to provide 2 written references
in your file. Fill in the name of the company or person and their address that you would like us
to send the reference request to (at the top of the document). If you don't know the addresses
during oriental(on please find it out as soon as you leave today and call us before the day is
The section called “Orientation for All Employees” and the document called “Orientation for Direct
Care Employees” are in a table format. As we complete each section, you will put today's date and
your initials in the right-hand column indicating that you had that section reviewed with you.
Please inform us right away if you suspect that something negative will come back on your Criminal
Background Check. Not all convictions will eliminate you from working in homecare but you must
understand that we are responsible for assuring the safety of vulnerable Consumers (elderly and
children). Speak to the Agency Director privately if you suspect a problem will be identified.
Many homecare employees work for more than one company at the same time. It is essential that you
let us know if you are working for another agency. Remember that any Consumers you service for us
are OUR Consumers. Should you ever decide to leave us for any reason, Consumers you are servicing
for us MAY NEVER be encouraged to transfer to another company where you might be working. This is
clearly a conflict of interest and will not be to1ei‘ated. Our legal department will be notified
immediately should this occur.
Please have your documents ready for copy before Orientation begins:
Driver's License, Car registration, Social Secui4ty Card, Legal migration documents (if
applicable), Current
Professional license, copy of professional liability insurance (if contractor), training
certificates, TB test.
Statement of Driving Status
I carry auto insurance on my vehicle and I have supplied Liberty Home Care a current copy of my
license and auto insurance.
Acknowledgement Employee Handbook Do's and Don'ts
liberty home Care
Listed are some pertinent references to employee policies from the Agency Employee Handbook. For
more retailed information please refer to the Handbook. You may request to review any/all of the
personnel policies pertinent to your employment at our Agency at any time.
1. Do wear scrubs to all your visits. However, if you do not have scrubs, you may wear business
casual clothing. NO JEANS, scanty tops, see through clothing etc allowed.
2. Do wear your Agency Issued photo ID badge at all time when on agency business.
3. Do arrive on time for ALL assignments. Our Agency must be notified immediately if:
a. An emergency or situation arises which causes you to be late by five or more minutes.
b. You will be absent from your assignment.
Without calling the office, these situations are called NO CALL NO SHOW and are subject to
4. Once you have been given an assignment, no more than 2 cancellations will be tolerated.
5. Don't use the client's phone. Cell phones are off during all visits.
6. Under No circumstances should you ever take property, money or “borrow” anything that belongs to
a client
or ever enter into any type of legal or financial agreement,
7. Don’t discuss your rate of pay with your clients or any other employee of the Agency.
8. Do complete visit notes correctly and completely and have signed by the client AT THE TIME OF
9. Do call our coordinator to inquire as to cases to be covered if you are not scheduled for work.
10. Do call the office immediately if any problem arises on your assignment.
11. Do call the office immediately if the client does not answer the door for a scheduled visit.
Failure to notify the office may be considered abandonment, especially if the client has had a
medical emergency and is in need of medical assistance. DON'T assume they aren't home. CALL THE
12. Don't leave any assignment early without first calling the scheduling coordinator/office
13. Do report any incident/accident or unusual occurrence involving an Liberty Home Care
employee/client to our office immediately. If you are injured and unable to make the call have
another person call us right away.
14. Do follow your schedule at all times WITHOUT MACING ANY CHANGES.
15. Don't transport a client's in your' car unless you have a signed consent/authorization.
16. Please how, at the present flue our agency does not perform drug testing of staff but may do so
at our
17. Cancellation Policy: A minimum of eight (8) hours cancellation notice must be given at all
times, unless you are involved in an emergency. Sick call shall be made with a 2-hour notice.
Should you decide an assigned client must be removed from your schedule, the office requires a
minimum of one week’s notice to arrange a change of worker. 2 weeks' notice is preferred.
My signature acknowledges that I have received and have read the Employee Handbook and agree to
the Agency’s Dos & Don't as listed above & in the Handbook.
Confidentiality Agreement
The Employee agrees to the terms of this Agreement:
1.) As a condition of employment, the employer requires that all new employees agree to enter into
this Confidentiality Agreement (the Agreement). The Employee acknowledges that employment with
Employer is sufficient consideration for the Employee to entering into the Agreement.
2.) The Employee acknowledges that, in the course of employment, the Employee will, and may in the
future, come into possession of certain confidential information belonging to the Employer
including but not limited to trade secrets, data, materials, products, technology, computer
programs, specifications, manuals, business plans, software, marketing plans, financial
information, and other information disclosed or submitted. This confidential information may be
embodied in hand written notes by the Employee, computer disks, tapes,
paper, or any other media.
3.) The Employee hereby covenants and agrees that she or he will at no tune, during or after the
term of employment with the Employer, use for his or her own benefit or the benefit of others, or
discloses or divulge to others, any such confidential information.
4.) Upon termination of employment, the Employee will return, retaining no copies or notes, all
relating to the Employee's business including, but not limited to, reports, lists, correspondence,
information, computer files, computer disks, and all other material and all copies of such
material, obtained by the Employee during employment nor will the employee attempt to contact or
solicit any Consumers that the employee may have worked with during employment.
5.) The Employee recognizes that the Employer may be irreparably damaged by breach of this
Agreement and that the Employer shall be entitled to seek an injunction to prevent such competition
or disclosure, and will entitle the Employer to other legal remedies, including attorney’s fees and
6) The obligations of Recipient herein shall be effective from the date the Owner last discloses any
Information to Recipient pursuant to this Agreement.
7.) If any part of this Agreement is adjudged invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining
parts shall not be
affected and shall remain in full force and effect.
8.) This instrument, including any attached exhibits and addenda, constitutes the entire Agreement
of the parties. No representation or promises have been made except those that are set out in this
Agreement. This Agreement may not be modified except in writing signed by all parties.
9.) This agreement shall take effect as a sealed instrument and shall be construed, governed and
enforced in
accordance with the laws of the State of CO, without regards to its conflicts of law provisions.
10.) The descriptive headings used herein are for convenience of reference only and they are not
intended to have any effect whatsoever in determining the rights or obligations under this
Employee Sign Off Regarding
Acknowledgement and Understanding of Zero Tolerance Sexual Abuse Policy
I acknow1edge that I have received and read the sexual abuse policy and/or have had it explained
to me. I understand that the organization will not tolerate any employee, volunteer, board member
or third party who commits sexual abuse. Disciplinary actions will be taken against those who are
found to have committed sexual abuse.
I understand that it is my responsibility to abide by all rules contained in the policy. I also
understand how to report incidents of sexual abuse as set forth in the abuse policy, Including
retaliating against any employee/ volunteer exercising his or her rights under the policy.Conflict of Interest
No employee or member of the Governing Body or other individual, committee, or‘ entity shall delve
any profit or gain directly or indirectly by reason of their association with the agency, without
the prior knowledge and approval of the Governing Body. All GB members and/or employees, at the
discretion and specific request of the board, will be required to submit a disclosure statement
If a matter arises in which a member of the board or employee has a conflict of interest, it shall
be promptly
disclosed to the Agency Director and Governing Body.
In matters involving a conflict of interest, a board member must disclose any known significant
reasons why a transaction might not be in the best interest of the agency and a board member shall
not participate in discussions unless requested by the board nor vote on such transactions. The
abstention and the reason for it shall be recorded in the minutes.
Field staff in any capacity understands that all Consumers are Consumers of the Agency not personal
Consumers of the field staff. Consumers may never be serviced privately by an employee of Our
Agency for the financial gain of the employee. Should an employee terminate employment with Liberty
Home Care, the field staff understands that the Consumers may not be encouraged or otherwise moved
from our Agency to another agency.
It is the responsibility of each employee to recognize and avoid any situation involving a business
conflict of interest. Employees are expected to promptly disclose any known relationships or
activities that may result in apparent conflicts of interest. This information is
disclosed to your Supervisor and/or the Agency Manager,
Hereby flowing issues to be worked before they develop into a problem. Through this action, an employee
protects their own interests as well as those of the Agency.
All employees must complete this Conflict of Interest Statement upon hire and update the Statement
annually or whenever the status changes.
Activities/situations that create a conflict of interest, or the appearance of one, must be
declared on this Conflict of Interest Statement.
I understand that failure to observe and abide by these obligations may result in disciplinary
action which may include dismissal and/or contract termination.
I also understand that in some cases, failure to observe and abide by these obligations may result
in criminal or
other legal actions.